Counselling, therapy, coaching, or mentoring – Which is best?

Hello there! If you're reading this post, chances are you're looking for guidance on how to deal with a specific issue in your life. 

You may have heard of various approaches like counselling, therapy, coaching, or mentoring, but you're not sure which one is the best for your needs. 

In this post, we'll explore the differences between these approaches and help you choose which one may be the most suitable for you.

Counselling, therapy, coaching, or mentoring – What are the Differences

Are you feeling stuck or unsure about how to deal with a particular issue in your life? Do you feel like you could benefit from some professional guidance but are unsure which approach to take? If so, you're not alone. The world of counselling, therapy, coaching, and mentoring can be confusing, and it can be challenging to know which approach is best for you.

In this section, we'll explore the differences between counselling, therapy, coaching, and mentoring, to help you how to choose the approach that may be the most suitable for your needs.


Counselling is a type of talk therapy that helps individuals deal with emotional and mental health issues. The purpose of counseling is to help individuals understand and overcome problems, improve relationships, and enhance their overall well-being. It provides a safe and supportive space to express thoughts and feelings and offers a non-judgmental space to gain perspective and clarity.

Who needs counselling? 

Counselling can be helpful for anyone who wants to better understand themselves and their relationships, gain perspective and clarity on their problems, and develop coping skills to manage stress and emotions. Counselling can be beneficial for individuals dealing with a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, grief and loss, trauma, and relationship issues.

Pros and Cons of counselling


  • Provides a safe and supportive environment to express your thoughts and feelings
  • Offers a non-judgmental space to gain perspective and clarity
  • Helps you develop coping skills to manage stress and emotions
  • Improves communication and relationships with others


  • May not address underlying mental health conditions
  • May require a longer-term commitment to see lasting results
  • May not be covered by insurance or accessible to everyone
  • May not be suitable for individuals who prefer a more action-oriented approach


Therapy is a more specialized form of counselling that focuses on diagnosing and treating mental health conditions. The purpose of therapy is to help individuals understand the root cause of their problems and develop strategies to improve their mental health. It provides a space to explore sensitive issues and offers evidence-based techniques to manage mental health conditions.

Who needs therapy? 

Therapy can be helpful for anyone who has a diagnosed mental health condition, is dealing with trauma or addiction, or is experiencing symptoms such as mood swings, excessive worry, or difficulty functioning in daily life.

Pros and cons of therapy


  • Helps you develop a deeper understanding of yourself and your behaviours
  • Provides a safe and supportive space to explore sensitive issues
  • Offers evidence-based techniques to manage mental health conditions
  • Improves self-awareness and emotional regulation


  • May require a longer-term commitment to see lasting results
  • May be more expensive than other approaches
  • May not be accessible to everyone
  • May not be suitable for individuals who prefer a more action-oriented approach


Coaching is often a goal-oriented approach that helps individuals identify and achieve their personal or professional goals. The purpose of coaching is to help individuals improve their performance, enhance their skills, and reach their full potential. It provides feedback and guidance to improve performance and accountability and motivation to achieve desired results.

Who needs coaching? 

Coaching can be helpful for anyone who wants to achieve a specific outcome or improve a specific skill related to their career, health, or personal growth. Coaching can be beneficial for individuals who want to advance their career, start a new business, improve their health and fitness, or develop their leadership or communication skills.

Pros and cons of coaching


  • Helps you identify and prioritize your goals
  • Offers accountability and motivation to achieve your goals
  • Provides feedback and guidance to improve your performance
  • Enhances self-awareness and personal growth


  • May not address underlying mental health conditions
  • May be more focused on achieving external goals than personal growth
  • May require a financial investment that is not feasible for everyone
  • Can be difficult to find the right coach for you and your needs


Mentoring is a relationship-based approach that pairs an experienced mentor with a less experienced mentee to provide guidance and support. The purpose of mentoring is to help the mentee learn and grow from the mentor's knowledge and experience. It provides personalized guidance and support and helps mentees learn new skills and knowledge.

Who needs mentoring? 

Mentoring can be helpful for anyone who wants to learn from an experienced individual in a specific field or pursue professional or personal growth. Mentoring can be beneficial for individuals who want to advance their career, start a new business, or pursue academic or personal growth.

Pros and cons of mentoring


  • Offers personalized guidance and support
  • Helps you learn new skills and knowledge
  • Provides access to a mentor's network and resources
  • Enhances personal and professional growth


  • May not address underlying mental health conditions
  • May require a longer-term commitment to see lasting results
  • May not be accessible to everyone
  • May not be suitable for individuals who prefer a more introspective approach

Counselling vs therapy vs coaching vs mentoring – Which is best?

So, which approach is best for you? The answer depends on your specific needs and goals. 

Here are some guidelines to help you choose:

  • Counselling: If you're dealing with emotional or mental health issues, counselling may be the most appropriate approach.
  • Therapy: If you have a diagnosed mental health condition, therapy may be the most effective approach.
  • Coaching: If you're looking to achieve a specific goal or improve a specific skill, coaching may be the most suitable approach.
  • Mentoring: If you're looking to learn from an experienced individual in a specific field, mentoring may be the best option

Remember that these approaches are not mutually exclusive, and you may benefit from a combination of them. For example, you may start with counselling to deal with a specific issue and then transition to coaching to achieve a goal related to that issue.

Counselling and coaching – How we can help

At Tarot Lifecraft, we offer a unique approach that combines practical and spiritual guidance with Tarot and Oracle card readings, counselling, and coaching practices. 

Take our Seeker's Special session, just as an example. This enlightening exploration of yourself and the energies around you is a great way to gain clarity and perspective on any situation you find yourself in and explore the possibilities and opportunities that exist for you.

During the Seeker's Special session, we use Tarot and Oracle cards to help you better understand where you are at in regards to any situation. We offer a safe and supportive space to express your thoughts and feelings and provide gentle and compassionate guidance to help you explore your options.

Topics to address can include anything from children, family dynamics, partnerships, romance, your job, career, new business ventures, beloved pets, or even communities you are a member of.

Struggling to find time to meet with yourself and face your issues? No problem! This one-to-one session can either be in-person or online.


Whether you choose counselling, therapy, coaching, mentoring, the most important thing is to take action to address your issues and achieve your goals. You deserve to live a happy and fulfilling life, and there are professionals and resources available to help you along the way. So, don't hesitate to reach out and get the support you need. 

Need help to decide what help you need?

Message me on +44 7771 230700 or fill out the Contact Form and be entered into the monthly prize draw to 🥳Win a One to One Reading with me, your friendly Tarot Guide, Jo Murray 😎💕 

I look forward to helping you, a little or a long way, on your journey of self-discovery and path of personal growth.

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